Commencement Opening 2005

The Psalmist said, “Clap your hands all you peoples,
Shout to the Holy One with a cry of joy!” (Ps. 47:1)

Creator of all,
We are full of thanksgiving!

We thank you for this “most amazing day”:

For sunshine (!) and cool breezes,
And for all the folks that make this place so beautiful;
For families and friends come from far and near,
For faculty, staff, and trustees
And for all those who have helped these graduates
To survive, thrive and grow.

Most of all we give you thanks for the classes of 2005:
For children become adults
prepared to take on the world and make a difference.

Holy One,
Be with us and bless our celebrations this morning!
Enliven our spirits,
that we may know your joyful Spirit
in the applause and laughter.

Quicken our minds,
that we may appreciate your wisdom
in the words of our speakers.

Strengthen our hearts,
that we might not shy away from the sorrow
that parting brings,
even as You do not abandon us when we are in pain.

This was ask in your many names. Amen.

Benediction for Commencement 2005

The prophet Isaiah said,
“You will go out in joy
and be led forth in peace;
the mountains and the hills before you
will burst into song,
and all the trees of the field
will clap their hands.” Isaiah 52:12

So go on your way, with “open hands”.
“Follow your heart”, as you continue your “tour” of life.
And may the Heart at the heart of the world
bless you on your journey.

“Clap your hands all you peoples
Shout to the Holy One with a cry of joy!” Psalm 47:1




Invocation and Benediction, Commencement 2005, Chaplain Lesley Adams

May 15, 2005