Gulick Hall

Named for Merle Gulick '30, former chair of the Board of Trustees and a famed Hobart football star, Gulick Hall is home to the Department of Psychological Science as well as the Office of Human Resources. Gulick Hall houses several state-of-the-art computer labs, research labs and classrooms. Two of the Colleges' three microcomputer labs are located in Gulick including the McLean Microcomputer Lab and a Classroom Lab.

Research Labs

The first floor of Gulick Hall is home to several research labs for the Department of Psychological Science. Hobart and William Smith received a grant from the George I. Alden Trust to reconfigure and refurbish a classroom in Gulick Hall into a flexible learning space that fosters the integration of pedagogy and technology in the sciences.

Computer Labs

A number of computer labs are available on campus for students to use. Psychological Science students have access to several modern computer labs, including two microcomputer labs, right in Gulick Hall.