List of Courses that Address Behavior from Outside Psychological Science

Students must complete one course from among those listed below with a grade of C- or higher as part of Psychological Science BA and BS major requirements. Courses are grouped into thematic categories relating to areas of psychology.

PSY majors can use any PSY course at 200 or 300 level not being used for other PSY major requirements to satisfy the outside of department course on behavior.

Biopsychology and Neuroscience
BIOL 220 Genetics
BIOL 225 Ecology
BIOL 300 Evolution
BIOL 333 General Physiology
BIOL 340 Neurobiology
BIOL 380 Genomics
PHYS 115 Astrobiology and the Search for Life in the Universe

Cognition and Quantitative Psychology
CPSC 120 Principles of Computer Science
CPSC 310 Computational Neuroscience
CPSC 444 Artificial Intelligence
DATA 251 Exploratory Data Analysis

Social, Economic, and Cultural Psychology
ANTH 110 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
ANTH 115 Language and Culture
ANTH 205 Race, Class, Ethnicity
ANTH 220 Sex Roles
ECON 207 Economics of Education
ECON 219 Behavioral Finance
ENTR XXX Consumer Psychology/ Industrial-Organizational Psychology (course under development)
INRL 283 Political Violence and Non-Violence
INRL 248 Politics of Development
INRL 360 Post-Conflict Justice and Reconstruction
GSIJ 100 Intro to Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice
GSIJ 213 Transnational Feminism
GSIJ 219 Black Feminisms
GSIJ 302 Trans Studies
GSIJ 303 Disability and Sexuality
GSIJ XXX EcoFeminisms
SOC 221 Race & Ethnic Relations
SOC 223 Inequalities
SOC 261 Sociology of Education
SOC 206 Kids and Contention: The Sociology of Childhood in the U.S. Context
SOC 357 Race and Education
SOC 226 Sociology of Sex and Gender
SOC 263 Juvenile Delinquency
SOC 224 Social Deviance

Educational Psychology
EDUC 202 Human Growth and Development
EDUC 203 Children with Disabilities
EDUC 221 Understanding Autism
EDUC 306 Technology and Disability
EDUC 330 Disability and Transition: Life After High School

Psychology and Creativity
ANTH 330 Anthropology of Creativity
DAN 305 Somatics
DAN 325 Laban Movement Analysis
ROM 250 Mindfulness in Rome (Fall 2025 Study Abroad Rome program, Prof. Davenport)
ENG 114 Literatures of Sickness, Health, and Disability
ENG 305 Psychoanalysis and Literature
THTR 130 Acting I
THTR 370 Playwriting Workshop

Health Psychology
GSIJ 204 Politics of Health
GSIJ 305 Food, Feminism and Health
MUS 221 Introduction to Music Therapy
PBHL 100 Introduction To Public Health
PBHL 201 Epidemiology
PHIL 156 Biomedical Ethics

Psychology of Morality
PHIL 100 Introduction to Philosophy
PHIL 130 Moral Dilemmas
PHIL 151 Crime and Punishment
PHIL 205 Ideas of Self
PHIL 234 Theories of Morality
PHIL 238 Philosophy of Natural Science
PHIL 250 Feminism: Ethics and Knowledge
REL 213 Death and Dying
REL 292 Deviance and Medicalization