Affiliated Faculty

  • Minott-Ahl teaches

    Comparative Literature | Media and Society | English and Creative Writing | Urban Studies | English and Comparative Lit.Nicola A Minott-AhlAssociate Professor of English and Creative WritingChair, Comparative Literature


      Ph.D., Comparative Literature, City College of New York, 2003
      M.A., Comparative Literature, City College of New York, 1994
      B.A., English, City College of New York, 1992


    Telephone: (315) 781-3362
    Office: Demarest

    Email Full Profile and C.V.
  • Portrait of Makker

    American Studies | Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice | Media and Society | Environmental Studies | Urban StudiesKirin J MakkerProfessor of American Studies


      Ph.D., Regional Planning, University of Massachusetts Amherst
      M.Arch., University of Maryland College Park
      M.A., English Language and Literature, University of Massachusetts Amherst
      B.A., English Language and Literature, minor in history, University of Texas Austin


    Telephone: (315) 781-3474
    Office: STERN 114

    Email Full Profile and C.V.

Emeriti Faculty