
Aileen D. Gleason '85

Aileen D. Gleason '85, senior vice president of Global Product Solutions at Bank of America Corp., was presented with the HWS Career Services award on Dec. 20, 2011, at the Yale Club in New York City. The award recognizes her significant effort in support of students through The Salisbury Center for Career Services and Professional Development.

"Aileen Gleason has given Hobart and William Smith students the opportunity to compete with the best and the brightest students in the country for internships and employment at Bank of America," Gearan said. "She is one of an entire army of alums who dedicate themselves to the next generation of Hobart and William Smith by providing them with opportunities," Gearan said.

Gleason earned a B.A. in economics from William Smith College. She was a member of the Student Economic Committee and was elected into Omicron Delta Epsilon, the International Economics Honor Society. She was the captain and MVP of the William Smith lacrosse team in her senior year. She also participated in the student phonathon and worked for Saga. Gleason spent a semester in Washington, D.C. and one in London, England.

Photo: Board of Trustees member Dr. Joy Schildkraut Glaser '62, P'89, P'97 and Board Chair David H. Deming ’75 presented Gleason with the award during the ceremony.