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Robert Platten '68

Robert Platten '68
Current Location:
Philadelphia, Pa.

I support HWS for three main reasons:

1) The experience there taught me how to think, how to solve problems, and how to write – it was all I needed for a fulfilling life. The Colleges are a precious commodity that need to be supported and sustained.
2) There are very few alumni/ae from the Colleges as compared to most universities and most charitable causes, so if we don't support the Colleges who will?
3) I had some ancestors who attended back in the 19th century, so I feel a special bond to the heritage and future of the institutions.
Apart from that, I think all of us need to sort out what we support, in what proportion; and when I compare what I got from other worthy causes to what I got from Hobart, Hobart comes out with the bulk of my support.