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Joanne E. Dunne '73

Joanne E. Dunne '73

Current Position:
Executive Director of the Washington Psychiatric Society

Current Location:
Washington, D.C.

“My years at Hobart and William Smith were a unique time in my life. I came to the campus as it was erupting with anti-war fervor, women's liberation was flowering and students were demanding a voice in the decisions that affected them on campus. I started to learn who I was, how the world worked or didn't, what it meant to think critically and how to have fun! I learned about music, politics, art, religion and partying. So I give to honor the experiences I had and the people I met then, the journey I took and where I've arrived today and the many friends I still have from those days. Giving to the Colleges is as much a contribution to the future as it is a thank you for a time now past that was wonderful, painful and transformational.”