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Andrew Donovan '12

Andrew Donovan '12
Current Position:
Digital Media Producer at WKTV NEWSChannel 2 in Utica, N.Y.

When I reflect on my years at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, the single most meaningful aspect that I appreciate is the sense of family that comes with the Colleges' community and having an institution that is behind each individual student's dreams. I knew as a student and still know as a recent alum that there are many people cheering me on and willing to help in any way. The list of those whom I feel are part of my circle of support is vast and there is no better confidence booster than that as I enter into my career. It is the support I received in my years at HWS that propels me into life as an alum, certainly prepared, but more importantly with the drive to make all of those "family members" and supporters back in Geneva proud. The Colleges are also dedicated to providing experiences that are influential to accomplishing one's dreams. For me, those include Savannah Guthrie's 2012 commencement address, the President's Forum Address with Chuck Todd during Family and Homecoming Weekend 2010,  and the President's Forum Luncheon in New York City with George Stephanopoulos. That sense of support and encouragement is a signature of HWS and a gift to the Colleges is my way of helping ensure that continues for future students. Simply put, I give because others at HWS have given so much to me, and I am forever grateful of that.