Power and Justice
AFS 180 - The Black Atlantic
The concept of the "Black Atlantic" was created by Paul Gilroy to counteract the divisive forces of nationalism and race, which gives rise in people of African descent to a 'double consciousness'. In the Black Atlantic, we seek to understand how the conceptualization of nation/culture around "race" creates a double consciousness and how, in spite of this, peoples of African descent have sustained cultural links that stretch across the Atlantic, uniting Africa, Europe and the Americas. Starting with possible pre-Columbian voyages, through the Middle Passage to the return voyages of contemporary Americans to Africa, we chart these connections across time and space. (McCorkle, annually fall)
- 01 LEC MWF 9:40-10:40 AM; McCorkle
AMST 101 - Topics in American Studies
These introductory courses in American Studies engage questions central to the field by focusing on how questions of power and difference shape tensions and contradictions in American culture. Students will examine American paradoxes such as the "American Dream," freedom and equality, immigration and reconstruction as well as infrastructures like consumer culture, the urban built environment, and national borders through an interdisciplinary lens. The courses also introduce students to American Studies methods through a close interdisciplinary analysis of a variety of cultural artifacts such as popular fiction, leisure, music, architecture, performance, propaganda and social practices. Readings are drawn from a range of sources including politics, history, popular culture, literature, media studies, and contemporary theory. Specific topics will vary based on the instructor. Offered each semester.
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Mukherji
- 02 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Mukherji
ANTH 110 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
This course explores the anthropological understanding of human society through ethnographic case studies of particular societies. In the holistic approach of anthropology, the interrelations of kinship, economics, politics, and religion are stressed. Special emphasis is also placed on anthropological theories of human behavior and the wide range of creative solutions to the problem of social living devised by various cultures of the world. (Staff, offered each semester)
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Annear
- 02 LEC TR 12-1 PM; Maiale
ARTH 201 - Black Arts in America
Using a loosely chronological framework, this course presents a series of topics on Black American art and its crucial role in the shaping of the history and development of American visual arts and culture. Beginning with the Harlem Renaissance, we will study the discourse around so-called 'New Negro' art as it was formulated throughout the 1920s and the rise of the Black Arts Movement in the 1960s through contemporary practice. Importantly, this course will simultaneously engage with questions pertaining to the very category of 'Black Arts.' In our study of arts made by artists of the African and Caribbean diaspora in the U.S., we will be careful to consider the politics of identification across race as well as class, sex, and gender difference. (Szymanek, offered occasionally)
- 01 LEC MWF 12-1 PM; Szymanek
ARTH 237 - Princely Art
This course will focus on the Renaissance Court Culture of the cities of Milan, Mantua, Ferrara and Rome. The course is meant to examine art production within the strict confines of noble patronage by Italian princes. Particular attention will be paid to female patronage of Italian duchesses. All media will be taken under consideration - painting, sculpture and architecture - while paying particular attention to the ways in which artists responded to their patrons and introduced innovations eventually imitated by the merchant middle classes throughout the Italian peninsula. (Leopardi, offered alternate years)
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Leopardi
ARTH 282 - 20th Century American Art
This course traces the history of American art as it developed throughout the first half of the 20th century. Using a loose chronological framework, the course is a study of a series of major stylistic, technological, and ideological developments within American art and visual culture including those precipitated by the shift of the Western avant-garde art world from Paris to New York City with the onset of WWI. Spanning half of the century as well as a vast array of mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography, and architecture, the aim of this course is to familiarize students with notable movements and art world figures as well as the socio-political contexts that both made their innovations possible and expanded the field of possibilities for the very definitions of art and authorship as they continue to develop into the 21st Century. (Szymanek, offered regularly)
- 01 LEC MWF 9:40-10:40 AM; Szymanek
ASN 101 - Trekking through Asia
Welcome to the "Asian Century." Asia has re-emerged as the center of the world, after a brief hiatus that started in the 18th century. With histories and religious traditions stretching back three millennia, today as we see cultures across Asia have transformed in ways to meet the demands of our rapidly changing world. China, Japan, and India are three of the world's top economies. Asia contains six of the world's ten largest countries, and is home to over half of the world's population and two of the world's major religions, Hinduism and Buddhism. For decades Asian countries have been leaders in global manufacturing, and Asian universities are now renowned centers for scientific and medical innovation. Fifty percent of the declared nuclear-weapon states are also in the region. Simply put, Asia matters a great deal! In this course, we trek through the Asian past and present, exploring this vast and vibrant region. Through writings and travelogues that documented the peoples and lands of places stretching from the Sea of Japan to Persia, and from Java to the Mediterranean Sea, we will learn about the cultural systems that helped shape Asian societies. We will consider how these traditions contributed to and were changed by historical interactions in Asia itself and in relationship to the rest of the world. Join us on the journey! (Yoshikawa, offered annually)
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Yoshikawa
- 02 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Yoshikawa
ASN 212 - Confucianism, Marxism, & Chinese Women
This course examines the interplay between Confucianism, Marxism, and Chinese women's experience, tracing their influence on women's roles and identities from imperial China to the present day. The course will address several key questions: How did Confucianism and Marxism influence public philosophy and the feminist movement in China? What are the similarities and differences between Confucian, Marxist, and Western feminist perspectives on women's issues? How do Chinese women negotiate their identities and interests amidst competing and conflicting discourses and practices? The course aims to provide students with a comparative perspective on the interactions between Confucianism, Marxism, and Chinese women, and help them understand the implications and relevance of these interactions for the future of China and the world. No prerequisites. (Zhou, offered alternate years)
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Yoshikawa
ASN 296 - China and the U.S.
Since the Nixon administration opened a new chapter with the People's Republic of China in 1972, China-U.S. relations have shifted from hostile relations to normalization and engagement. However, the relationship between the two countries has nosedived to the lowest point in four decades. The biggest challenge to the U.S. today is the communist China. Cooperation and competition between the two largest world's economies will determine the direction of Asia and the future of global development. The relationship between China and the U.S. has become one of the central global issues in the twenty-first century. By employing a perspective of cultural studies, this course will examine the development of China-U.S. relations since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, explore the roles of culture in shaping China-U.S. relations, discuss the relationship between characteristics of culture and the mindset of foreign policymakers, and analyze the future of China-U.S. relations and its implications to western hegemony and the international order. No prerequisites. (Zhou, offered alternate years)
- 01 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Zhou
ECON 122 - Economics of Caring
There is more to economics than the wealth of nations. A good society is more than its wealth; it has the capacity and is willing to care for those who cannot completely provide for themselves. In this course students explore, analyze, and assess how our society cares for those who cannot provide all of the necessities of life for themselves; including children, the infirm, and the elderly. They examine public policies and debates concerning poverty, health care, education, child protection, and adoption. (Waller, offered annually)
- 01 LEC TR 8:40-10:10 AM; Waller
- 02 LEC TR 10:20-11:50 AM; Waller
EDUC 230 - Teaching English Language Learners
While the number of school children speaking a language other than English at home has been growing exponentially over the last few decades, their level of academic achievement has lagged significantly behind that of their language-majority peers. This course aims to contribute to preparing future teachers for working in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. One of its major goals is to give students a better understanding of the cognitive, linguistic, and emotional challenges involved in being schooled in a second language. In the first part of the course, therefore, through readings and discussions, students will become acquainted with some key theoretical frameworks for understanding second language and literacy development as well as sociocultural issues particularly relevant to the education of English language learners. The second major goal of the course is to provide students with pedagogical strategies for adjusting instruction to meet the needs of English language learners in the mainstream classroom. This goal will be achieved in the second part of the course, which will consist predominantly of lesson planning workshops and teaching demonstrations. The course will have a service learning component consisting of 15-20 hours of tutoring an English language learner, and it is required for TESOL certification in the TEP and for the TEFL certificate. (Roberson, offered alternate years)
- 01 LEC MW 8-9:30 AM; Roberson
ENG 152 - American Revolutions
From Declaration of Independence to the Declaration of Sentiments, America's revolutionaries and reformers have written their own literature. This course will explore the history of politics and culture in the United States from the American Revolution to the Civil War. We will study the work of writers who were for the rights of women and against the removal of Indians from their lands, who were for the liberation of enslaved people of African descent and against the use and abuse of alcohol. We will also read the writings of the early labor and environmental movements. Like the figures we study, we will experiment with different forms to express our ideas and arguments. (Black)
- 01 LEC 1:10-2:40 PM; Black
- 02 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Black
ENV 102 - Introduction to Environmental Studies
This class introduces numerous questions and perspectives regarding global climate change. While the media now reports daily on climate change, understanding its causal mechanisms and effects are exceptionally complex. Is the climate changing and how do we know? What are climate change's causal forces? What are some ways that climate change affects ecosystems and human life? How do we imagine and plan for futures that may look and feel dramatically different from the present? What is being done to mitigate climate change and its effects? And why is more not being done? Addressing these questions requires an interdisciplinary approach, spanning the natural and social sciences as well as the humanities. In this course, we will scratch the surface of multiple approaches to the problem of global climate change and techniques of environmental studies, paying particular attention to the ethical dimensions of climate action. (Staff, offered each semester)
- 01 LEC MW 2:50-4:20 PM
- 02 TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Kinne
GLS 101 - Introduction to Global Studies: Alcohol
For over nine thousand years human beings have produced alcoholic drinks in various forms. While some theories say our ancestors started to do so millions of years ago in a quest for calories, now alcohol is many things to many people: indispensable beverage, religious obligation or prohibition, sign of high or low culture, curse or blessing, and more. We will consider the historical, cultural, and political roles alcohol has played in multiple contexts as we engage the question of how this substance has both driven human development and also reflects the cultures which consume (or refuse to consume) it.
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Galloway
- 02 LEC MW 2:50-4:20 PM; Galloway
GSIJ 100 - Introduction to Gender, Sexuality, and Intersectional Justice
Race. Gender. Sexuality. Ability. How do these intersectional social categories determine access to rights, resources, and power? In this course, we examine the notion that sex, gender, sexuality, ability, race, and other categories of identity shape the social world in a myriad of ways, from how we organize our families and communities and how we spend time, to how we conceptualize the self and make meaning, to how we interact with our environment and create and re-create the body. This class seeks to challenge conventionally held "truths" and offer creative alternatives, including even how we conceive of and practice classroom learning itself. The course serves as a gateway to three justice-oriented majors: LGBTQ+ Studies, Gender and Feminist Studies, and Bodies, Disability, and Justice. Students are encouraged to think through the histories and impulses of each of these overlapping fields, and to raise their own questions about the meaning and practice of justice and how we can achieve it. The course invites students into a collective dialogue about how we can utilize critical theory and feminist, queer, and crip critique as a method of creatively re-imagining a more just world. No Prerequisites. Offered each semester. This course substantially addresses the Social Inequalities and Ethical Judgement Goals.
- 01 LEC TR 10:20-11:50 AM; Hayes-Conroy
GSIJ 213 - Transnational Feminism
Is woman a global category? How is gender performed differently across the globe? How do representations of first, second, and third-world women circulate transnationally? In this course, we will investigate how gendered bodies travel, perform, and are understood in a wide variety of national, diasporic, and global media contexts, from theater and film, to politics and popular culture. (Formerly WMST 213) (Martin-Baron, offered alternate spring semesters)
- 01 LEC MWF 10:50-11:50 AM; Martin-Baron
GSIJ 247 - History, Psychology and Feminism
Should the history of feminism and psychology be x-rated, as was asked once of science more generally? This question opens onto psychology's expressways where histories of feminism, gender, sexuality, race and what are sometimes called the 'psy' disciplines crosscut in the greater search for knowledge of who we are or might become. Running parallel throughout this history are the ways feminist and critical gender scholars tackled the very ways the science of psychology upheld cultural conventions of gender, race and sexuality. This course examines these tangled stories from early case studies of hysteria and spiritualism through to mid-century depictions of the "mommy pill," "how the clinic made gender" and to late twentieth and early twenty-first century concerns around gender, race and bodies. The course uses history, theory and research in psychology to appreciate psychology's changing views, treatment and study of diverse lives, and how feminism shaped psychology as much as psychology shaped feminism. This course also counts toward the major in psychology. (Formerly WMST 247)
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Bayer
GSIJ 250 - Chicana Feminism & Visual Culture
This course lays the foundations for the study of Chicana feminism, women of color feminism, feminist visual cultural studies, and arts-based activism. This course traces the emergence of Chicana as an identity category and its challenges to Chicano and feminist activism; the radical ways Chicanas have employed visual, performance, and graphic arts as a means of educating and catalyzing social change; and the rich body of indigenous folklore that has both defined gender and sexual roles and provided the platform for defying them. Throughout the semester, we will draw from primary texts from the beginning of the Chicano movement, a rich selection of visual, performance, and graphic arts, and contemporary scholarship in women's studies, Chicana/o studies, and visual cultural studies. (Formerly WMST 150) (Martin-Baron, offered alternate fall semesters)
- 01 LEC MWF 9:40-10:40 AM; Martin-Baron
GSIJ 300 - Who's Afraid of Gender?
This seminar surveys several strands of feminist theorizing and their histories. The course examines how activist movements ground feminist theories, including changing technologies (from print to digital and social media). By critically engaging the underlying assumptions and stakes of a range of theories, students become more aware of their own assumptions and stakes, sharpen their abilities to productively apply feminist analyses in their own work and lives, and create ways to take feminist theory beyond the classroom. Prerequisite: GSIJ 100 or permission of instructor.
- 01 LEC W 1:10-4:10 PM; Bayer
HIST 231 - Modern Latin America
This course will trace out the historical construction of national and regional identities in Latin America through an examination of paradigms of modernity and marginality. It will focus on: the continuities and ruptures from Spanish colonialism to nation-state rule; the imposition of stability in Latin America, and the ideological foundations of the dominant, transnational paradigm of progress; identity politics and the rejection of European paradigms of progress; the coming and process of the global paradigm of Cold War, and its new models of anxiety, hope, and marginality in Latin America; the survival and even prosperity of Latin America's indigenous populations in the era of neoliberalism. In so doing, we will examine the possibilities for the most marginal of populations to represent themselves, and the limitations of such self-representation. (Ristow, offered annually).
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Ristow
HIST 235 - Civil War America
In America's mid-nineteenth century, rising tensions over slavery's expansion, diverging ideas about federalism, and polarizing sectional identities erupted into violence, leading to four years of protracted, brutal war. The outcome was nothing less than revolutionary: the nation's political structures, economic systems, and social hierarchies were transformed. Paying careful attention to Americans' lived experiences, in this course we will seek to understand how and why the Civil War began, what changes it wrought, whether or not its fundamental conflicts were solved by Reconstruction, and finally, why it continues to have such a profound impact on America's vision of itself even today.
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Free
HIST 283 - South Africa in Transition
After a long period of colonialist domination, exploitation, racial humiliation, and destructive wars, southern Africa is emerging as a land of renewed hope for peace, stability and prosperity. This transition is explored in this course from the late 19th century to the rise of Nelson Mandela. By placing greater emphasis on South Africa, the course investigates such themes as the rise and demise of apartheid, wars of national liberation, economic development, demographic and environmental concerns, and democratization and the construction of pluralist societies.
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Slade
HIST 284 - Africa: From Colonial to Neocolonial
In the US media, the signifier `Africa' has become synonymous with images of warfare, poverty, disease, and famine. Undeniably, these features are commonplace in some African societies. However, what is insidiously missing in most accounts of the challenges facing much of the continent is a historical perspective that traces a genealogy of these problems. Events like the Rwandan Genocide are unproblematically explained as having been caused by 'ethnic conflict,' a calculus that does not consider the manner in which colonial encroachment fundamentally altered the socio-political landscape of the continent. In short, to understand modern-day Africa we need to be attentive to the processes that created its everyday realities. To this end, students will investigate the legacies of colonialism in key sites dotted throughout Africa, and examine how contemporary power relations [neo-colonialism] continue to impact the continent.
- 01 LEC TR 8:40-10:10 AM; Slade
HIST 297 - Pre-Modern Mediterranean Law
Starting with the creation of Roman Law, this class traces the major legal developments across the Mediterranean World until the Renaissance. The course focuses on the development of barbarian law, religious law (canon, rabbinic, and Islamic law), and English common law. The class also problematizes these changes by exploring dispute resolution and extra-judicial violence.
- 01 LEC MW 2:50-4:20 PM; Whitten
INRL 140 - Introduction to Comparative Politics
An ambitious introductory course, aimed at teaching students basic theoretical and empirical concepts necessary for comparison across the world's political systems. Student will be introduced to the fundamental tenets of diverse political and economic systems and ideologies, explore the foundations of political order and disorder (including discussions of nationalism, state-building, globalization, revolution, and more), and consider the myriad ways in which relationships between state, society, and market are ordered. Theoretical discussions will be supplemented with empirical case studies from around the world. Combining theoretical insights with political, social, and economic history and current events will help students as they endeavor to understand just why it is that the world's political systems are organized the way they are. Also listed as POL 140. (Philbrick Yadav, Ost, offered each semester, subfields: CP)
- 01 LEC TR 10:20-11:50 AM; Philbrick Yadav
INRL 180 - Introduction to International Relations
As a broad introduction to the study of international relations (IR), this course is designed to give students an understanding of the basic concepts of world politics, an appreciation of the evolution of the current state system, and a sampling of various approaches and theories of IR. Readings come from primary documents, as well as a standard text. The course is grounded in an awareness of current events. Students examine how the lens used to view the world shapes understanding of the world, its problems, and possible solutions. (Dunn and Yadav, offered every semester)
- 01 LEC MWF 9:40-10:40 AM; Yadav
INRL 248 - Politics of Development
This course examines contending historical and contemporary explanations for the phenomenon of absolute poverty and critically assessed policy solutions implemented to end this form of poverty in our time. The course contrasts micro-level approaches, which seek to built an "inclusive capitalism" through the extension of property rights and the enhancement of individual capacity with meso-level approaches that rely on a "developmental state" to guide markets, and macro-level approaches that seek to restructure the international regime on debt relief and intergovernmental development organizations. (Yadav, offered alternate years; Political Economy keystone course in INRL)
- 01 LEC MWF 10:50-11:50 AM; Yadav
LTAM 232 - The Latina Experience
Through the use of life stories (testimonies) and documentaries, students in this course will examine the experience Latinas in the context of the United States and the Geneva community. We will be exploring issues such as migration and immigration; biculturalism and bilingualism; labor and education, cultural production and social activism through the collection and analysis of testimonial texts, as well as the analysis and production of documentaries.
- 01 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Molina
PBHL 100 - Introduction to Public Health
Drawing from interdisciplinary sources as well as key scholarship from within the field of public health, this course provides an introduction to the core functions of public health, covering both US and global contexts. The course uses historical and contemporary examples to highlight the role of public health in promoting the health status of different populations, and the relationship of public health to other forms of health promotion in clinical and community settings. Focal topics include issues of global health, environmental health, health justice, and clinical health. Students are encouraged to think critically and reflexively about what it means to intervene in human health in such contexts, and to consider how social inequality and structural injustice plays a significant role in health outcomes. (Offered annually)
- 01 LEC MWF 8:30-9:30 AM; MacPhail
POL 110 - Introduction to American Politics
This course examines the capability of the American political system to respond to the needs of all its citizens, exploring the historical origins, basic institutions, distribution of power, popular influence, political parties, social movements, and inequalities based on class, race, and gender. (Lucas, Passavant, Quish, offered each semester, subfields: LG, ap)
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Lucas
- 02 LEC MWF 10:50-11:50 AM; Quish
POL 130 - Introduction to Law & Politics
This course provides an introduction to law and politics focused on the United States. What ideas underwrite the concept of constitutional government? What is the role of the Supreme Court in United States politics? What should it be? What are the intended constitutional responsibilities of Congress and the Executive Branch? How do they function today? What constitutional roles should the people play? Do the American people play that role today? This course will consider a variety of historic and more contemporary legal controversies in this light. Controversies may include slavery. women's suffrage, civil rights, freedom of speech, abortion and reproductive autonomy, and right to bear arms, among others. Reading may include works by John Locke, Frederick Douglass, and Larry Kramer, in addition to legal documents (Constitution and Supreme Court cases), legal commentaries, and speeches.
- 01 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM; Passavant
POL 160 - Introduction to Political Theory
This course reads classical political theory from the Ancient Greeks through the early modern period in England. The class introduces students to some of the major themes through which politics and political life have been understood. Beginning with Thucydides, it examines the virtues and values of the ancient world with attention to the dilemma between justice and expediency. Continuing with Plato and Aristotle, it considers justice, reason, and the good in the context of life in the polis. The course ends with the challenges Machiavelli's and Hobbes' notions of power present for the presumption of an original human sociality, for the emergence of liberal ideals of individual autonomy and national sovereignty. (Dean, Quish offered annually, subfields: FT, pt)
- 01 LEC TR 10:20-11:50 AM; Dean
POL 208 - Law and Society
Law and Society is a field that seeks to understand law as a socio-political phenomenon. Among the questions Law and Society asks include the question of law's impact on the ground, in the actual functioning of society. For example, the Law and Society movement has been interested in why there seemed to be a gap in the 1950s and 1960s between Supreme Court decisions ruling that racial segregation violated the Constitution ('law on the books') and the impact of those decisions in light of the almost total lack of integration in the Deep South for years thereafter ('law in action'). Topics may include access to justice, how law influences and is influenced by a cultural order, law and inequality, and law and the government of gender, sexuality, or racialized subjects. Prerequisite: a 100- or 200-level POL course or by permission of instructor. (Passavant, offered alternate years, subfields: LG, ap)
- 01 LEC MW 1:10-2:40 PM; Passavant
REL 105 - Religion, Peace, and Conflict
What is religion? What counts as peace? How do religion and other social institutions contribute to, and are influenced by, peace or conflicts? This course explores on humans' search for meaningful and peaceful life and on the role of religion in such pursuit. It will first of all investigate the meaning, elements, and functions of religion in humans' pursuit of peace and meaning. It will then examine the meaning of peace and conflicts and the conditions that contribute to peace or conflicts. In turn, the course will look at the ways in which peace or conflicts may influence religion. Finally, the course will examine the role religion plays in peacemaking efforts.
- 01 LEC TR 10:20-11:50 AM; Kafrawi
REL 228 - Religion and Resistance
In this course students explore the ways in which religion and resistance are related. Among other questions, students ask how the religious imagination helps us to see alternate realities and permits us to call into question our current realities. Students also explore the role of religion in legitimizing the status quo and oppression. They ask how religious communities identify and combat oppression. In combating oppression, the class also turns to questions of practice. Is it enough to talk about liberation? Is religion a “call to action?” If so, what is meant by “action?”
- 01 DIS TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Kafrawi
REL 274 - Zionism, Israel, Mideast Conflict
An examination of the roots of Zionism - a complicated religious, ideological, and political movement. Such external factors as the Holocaust and the acute problems of the surviving refugees; the conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine; the breakdown of the British Mandate and the mutual rivalries of the Western powers in the Middle East; and the East-West conflict in the global scene are some of the historical forces which accelerated the creation of the Jewish state that are examined. But attention is also given to the internal intellectual and spiritual forces in Jewish life, which were at least as important and which constitute the ultimately decisive factor. (Dobkowski, offered occasionally)
- 01 LEC TR 2:50-4:20 PM; Dobkowski
RUSE 101 - Blood and Ice: Russian Empires
The largest country in both Europe and Asia, Russia has dominated Eastern Europe and north Asia for over a thousand years. Through an examination of its long, varied, and frequently bloody history, we will investigate the nature of "empire" as defined and interpreted by the various political entities, which have ruled the Russian land.
- 01 LEC MWF 10:50-11:50 AM; Galloway
SOC 100 - Introduction to Sociology
An introduction to the fundamental concepts of sociology, this course focuses on such central issues as the social nature of personality; the effects of social class, race, and gender on social life; the interactional basis of society; and the place of beliefs and values in social structure and social action. A fundamental concern is to analyze the reciprocal nature of social existence, to understand how society influences us and how we, in turn, construct it. Typically, the course applies the sociological perspective to an analysis of American society and other social systems. (Freeman, Harris, Kosta, Monson, Perkins, Sutton, offered every semester) Note: All upper level sociology courses require SOC 100 as a prerequisite.
- 01 LEC 8-9:30 AM; Kosta
- 02 LEC TR 1:10-2:40 PM
SPN 204 - Bilingual Realities
This course will appeal to students who use Spanish in every-day life and bilingual contexts. We will study dynamic bilingual communication practices in academics, popular culture, creative writing, and public speaking. Through memoirs, manifestos, novels, music, film, and podcasts, we will explore diverse bilingual/bi-cultural life experiences and forms of expression. Topics of discussion include, but are not limited to, migration, education, social media, art, and activism. We will practice conversational fluency, grammatical precision, persuasive writing, and vocabulary building. Readings may include the following: De cómo las muchachas García perdieron el acento by Julia Alvarez, Spanglish by Ilan Stavans and Poet X by Elizabeth Azevedo. Prerequisite: Completion of SPN 201, or the equivalent. (Farnsworth, offered annually)
- 01 LEC MWF 9:40-10:40 AM; Farnsworth
- 02 LEC MWF 10:50-11:50 AM; Farnsworth