3 May 2021 Shiever '21 and Tusin '21 Selected for Technos International Prize

The annual award recognizes academic achievement and commitment to international understanding.

Carly Shiever ’21 and Adam Tusin ’21 are the recipients of the 2021 Technos International Prize, awarded by Technos College and the Tanaka Ikueikai Educational Trust of Tokyo. Presented to outstanding HWS graduates since 1993, the prize recognizes one Hobart senior and one William Smith senior for their outstanding academic achievement and contributions to furthering international understanding and exchange.

Shiever is double-majoring in international relations and Asian studies, with a focus on Japanese language and cultures. Having maintained a stellar GPA, she was selected to go to Japan on the Technos summer program as a first-year student, studied abroad in Hikone as a junior, and went to Japan as a delegate on the highly respected Japan-America Student Conference (JASC). The following year, Shiever was elected to JASC’s American Executive Committee, and helped to run a video-version of the conference. She was a semi-finalist for a 2021 Fulbright Award.

Tusin is also double-majoring in international relations and Asian studies, with a concentration in Chinese language and cultures. He studied abroad in Tainan, Taiwan, served as a grassroots volunteer with his Minister of Parliament in Singapore and interned at the French Embassy in Washington, D.C and Singapore. Raised in Singapore, he served two years as a firefighter with the rank of sergeant during his national service with the Singapore Civil Defense Force, where he managed a crew of four firefighters. Tusin, who is fluent in three languages, is minoring in French and Francophone studies, and while at HWS, he has served as an America Reads tutor for local second graders, a student supervisor at the Bristol Field House, and a member of the Investment Club and French and Francophone Club. A true global citizen, Tusin plans to pursue a career in the foreign service.

For nearly 30 years, the relationship between Hobart and William Smith and Technos International College has been a core component of global education at HWS. Technos International Week began in 1992, thanks to the generosity of the Tanaka family and the Tanaka Memorial Foundation, whose gifts established the Tanaka Asian Studies Endowment and annually support the Asian Studies Department, the Tanaka Lectureship in Japanese, global internships and other programming at HWS.