16 September 2022 • Alums Friedlander ’80, P’10 Offers Support through Planned Gift

Lynne Friedlander ’80, P’10 gives back, propelling HWS forward.

Lynne Friedlander ’80, P’10 has worn many hats at the Colleges, as an alum, parent and as a volunteer.

While the Colleges no longer run on trimesters or require students to write baccalaureate essays, like she remembers from her college days, Friedlander says she recognizes the same qualities in the faculty and administration that brought her to Hobart and William Smith years ago. 

Lynne Friedlander '80, P'10

Lynne Friedlander '80, P'10

At HWS, Friedlander says, “Each individual can grow and go on their own path – with wide support from faculty and staff.”

And importantly, Friedlander adds, the institution continues to evolve to meet the needs of students.           

“What I love about HWS is they’re always trying to get better. I see a place that is saying, ‘Yes, let’s start an entrepreneurial studies program because that’s what’s really needed right now.’ They are constantly coming up with new things. They’re not saying, ‘oh, we’re good as we are.’ They’re saying, ‘how are we going to be better?’”

From Cincinnati, Ohio, Friedlander’s first visit to HWS coincided with one of those late fall days where everything is perfect in Upstate New York – the sun was shining and students were on the Quad playing frisbee. “They were just happy,” she remembers.

Having entered the Colleges undecided about her major, Friedlander says she sat down with the course catalogue and circled classes that captured her interest. Though her selections spanned a variety of subjects, she found a common theme: they were cross listed with American studies. 

This ‘aha’ moment led Friedlander to a robust career in the museum field. After receiving her master’s degree from Cooperstown Graduate Program, SUNY Oneonta in history museum studies, she served at several institutions as a curator of collections and registrar.

A longtime volunteer for the Colleges, from her time participating in the phonathon as a student, to now serving as a Class Agent and on the Reunion Gift Committee, Friedlander says her reason for giving back to the Colleges is simple. “It’s just what you do,” she says. “It’s the example my parents set for me.”

FURTHER TOGETHER: The Campaign for Our Third Century

When it came time to do her estate planning, making a legacy gift to the Colleges was a “no-brainer. I give annually, but I also want to give in perpetuity. I want my gift to make an impact even after I’m not here,” Friedlander says.

Forward-thinking by design, gift planning makes education possible for future generations of students. The Wheeler Society recognizes individuals and families who have established a planned gift.