HWS News
16 September 2022 • Faculty Harris to Speak on Vietnam
Professor of Sociology Jack Harris P’02, P’06 will speak on the complexities of contemporary life in Vietnam as part of a series at New College Florida.
As a featured guest for the Asian Film & Talk Series: Masculinity, Food, and Social Changes at New College Florida, Professor of Sociology Jack Harris P’02, P’06 will present his research on Vietnam.
Harris will participate in a talk, “Rice and Noodles: Extramarital Relationships, Masculinity, and Gender Relations in Vietnam” on the prevalence of male extramarital affairs; a class lecture “French Colonialism and Its Legacy in Vietnam;” and a screening and analysis of “Nostalgia for the Countryside,” which will focus on the life of northern Vietnamese rural peasants. The series will be held Sept. 21-22 at locations throughout the New College Florida campus.
To learn more, click here
Harris, along with Associate Professor of Anthropology Christopher Annear, recently published a chapter on Vietnamese cuisine in the Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam, which explores the past 30 years of the country through different lenses including political, social, economic and cultural, providing a reference point for contemporary understandings for decades. Harris was also featured in the book with Linh Khanh Nguyen '04, an Assistant Professor of Vietnamese of California State University, Fullerton on the prevalence of male extramarital affairs, the social context around it and the Vietnamese social constructions of masculinity, femininity and male and female sexuality.
Harris' research focuses on men and masculinity in Vietnam and the experience of Vietnamese as they go through massive economic and social change. As an applied sociologist, Harris consults with local governments across the United States on business process reengineering, change management, and municipal information technology. He holds a B.A. from Tulane University and M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania.