24 October 2016 Filmmaker Shapiro Joins Screening

The Colleges will welcome award-winning independent filmmaker Owen Shapiro for discussion and a screening of his cinematic work on Wednesday, Oct. 26.

Shapiro is a prolific filmmaker whose body of work consists of more than 30 films and a dozen videos that challenge the boundaries of documentary, narrative and experimental genres. His films have won numerous awards and earned selection in many American and international film festivals, including Edinburgh, Athens, Hong Kong, Israel, England, Germany and France, where a retrospective of his work was staged at the Cinmatheque Francaise in Paris.

The Shaffer Professor of Film at Syracuse University and a Fulbright Scholar, Shapiro directs the film program in the College of Visual and Performing Arts, is an associate editor for Point of Contact publications, and co-founder and artistic director of the Syracuse International Film Festival.

The HWS event, Something Completely Different, will feature three of his films: the experimental Rain and a Woman, a short comedy; 85 and Still Flying, a 22-minute documentary about an 85-year-old man and his racing pigeons; and One Block at a Time, a 20-minute experimental narrative composed of loosely connected mini-stories. A question and answer session will follow.

The event will be held at 7 p.m. in the Fish Screening Room in the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.