2 July 2020 Largest Fundraising Year in Hobart and William Smith History

Thanks to the support of donors across the Hobart and William Smith community, this year the Colleges' have achieved a new record the largest fundraising year in Hobart and William Smith history. New gifts and commitments for fiscal year 2020, which ended on May 31, have exceeded $27 million.

"Philanthropic support to the Colleges is essential to the continued success of our students, faculty and staff, and an important signal from our graduates and parents of the increasing value of the HWS experience," says Vice President for Advancement Bob O'Connor P'22. "These gifts and commitments drive innovative academic work, enable students to pursue internships and study abroad, and enrich everything from athletics to campus clubs. With unprecedented support from across the breadth of our community and key commitments from several members of the Board of Trustees, we are inspired and tremendously grateful."

All-time records were broken in other categories including annual giving at $6.9 million and athletics fundraising, which set both donor and dollar records. During Athletics Day of Donors in February, HWS saw more donors contribute more dollars for Statesmen and Herons teams in a single day than ever before.

"I join Bob in thanking everyone who made a gift to the Colleges," says President Joyce P. Jacobsen. "In my first year as president, this support is particularly meaningful and demonstrates a high level of confidence in our trajectory. I'm especially grateful to Bob and his team for all of their hard work to make it happen and in their skill in communicating to our donors the powerful value of a Hobart and William Smith education."

"The work of the Colleges' Advancement team over the past year has been outstanding," says HWS Board Chair Thomas S. Bozzuto '68, L.H.D. '18. "Their efforts and the contributions of our alumni, alumnae, parents and friends will have a remarkable and concrete impact on the lives of students, faculty and staff far into the future. On behalf of the Board, I congratulate everyone on this incredible fundraising year."