24 October 2019 • Athletics Your Chance to Write the HWS Fight Song

Hobart and William Smith are now accepting submissions for a new fight song.

As President Joyce P. Jacobsen was researching the Colleges' history this summer, she found Hip Hobart which is often yelled at games and only one fight song, written for Hobart College in the early 20th century. To build new traditions and increase solidarity, she has launched a Fight Song Contest.

In a letter to campus earlier this semester, she wrote "let us marshal our creative energies and come up with some new college fight songs with which to cheer on our teams, whether athletic, debate or academic, onwards against our friendly foes."

All members of the Hobart and William Smith community are encouraged to participate. Fight songs can be about Hobart College, William Smith College, or Hobart and William Smith Colleges. Depending on the submissions, multiple entries may be selected as winners. There is no limit to the number of entries per person.

Submissions in the form of a video or mp3 will be accepted through Nov. 1 and can be sent to publicity@hws.edu.

On Nov. 6, approved entries will be posted on this webpage for voting. Voting will start at midnight on Nov. 6 and conclude at midnight on Dec. 6.

Based on the results of the vote, the final selection of the winning entry or entries will be determined by President Jacobsen and a panel of judges. The winning song(s) will be performed live at upcoming Hobart and William Smith games.

Visit Fight Song Contest for more details.