Janet Murguía
Wednesday, March 1, 2006
7:30 p.m., in the Geneva Room of the Warren Hunting Smith Library
Latinos and the American Future
Janet Murguía, president and CEO of the National Council of La Raza, will speak at a President's Forum lecture on Wednesday, March 1. The National Council of La Raza is the largest civil rights and advocacy organization in the nation.
Named one of the “100 Most Influential Hispanics” by Hispanic Business magazine, Murguía has years of experience as a leader in the Hispanic community. She has worked as a legislative aide to former Kansas Congressman Jim Slattery, and worked in the White House from 1994 to 2000, where she was a deputy assistant to President Clinton and deputy director of legislative affairs.
She has also overseen public relations and strategic planning at the University of Kansas, where she was Executive Vice Chancellor for University Relations. Murguía also serves on the Kauffman Foundation Youth Development board, and the boards of Youthfriends, and the Independent Sector Coalition. She was a finalist for Hispanic Business’s “Woman of the Year” award for 2005, and was deputy campaign manager for the Gore-Lieberman presidential campaign in 2000.
This information is accurate for the time period that this person(s) spoke at Hobart and William Smith.