This Week in Photos
This Week In Photos: Oct. 6 Oct. 12
- Family and friends of tight-end Matthew Woods '19 tailgate before the game.
- Geneva High School students tour campus during a visit coordinated by Geneva 2020.
- Representatives from the NY-PA Campus Compact AmeriCorps VISTAs, including Director of Community Engagement and Service Learning Katie Flowers (center), gather with AmeriCorps member Kevin Collado '18, who is exploring food security challenges in Geneva, N.Y. throughout his year of national service.
- Maura McCarthy ‘21 and Brownie play on a warm fall afternoon.
- While studying abroad in the Czech Republic, Henry Mathey '19 and Andrew Seta '20 study the political history of the country while attending Charles University in Prague.
- During a weekend excursion while studying abroad in Edinburgh, John Schenk '20 poses in front of Loch Ness in Inverness, Scotland.
- Reed Tansill '20 and Katie Consoli '20 pose during an excursion to Transylvania. The pair are studying abroad in Budapest, Hungary.
- The Hobart and William Smith sailing team practices on Seneca Lake.
- Linda and Lawrence Leake P'22 talk to a fellow fan during the Hobart football tailgate. The Statesmen defeated Union College 29-28.
- Alums and Statesmen fans tailgate before the Hobart vs. Union College game on Boswell Field on Saturday.
- Assistant Director of Residential Education Ashley Harling '16 gives a presentation on dorm life to ninth graders from Geneva High School in the Geneva Room. As part of the Geneva 2020 initiative, students spent the day on campus learning about paths to higher education.
- Guard for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Ali Marpet '15 poses with Geneva elementary school students. An economics major at Hobart, Marpet is the highest Division III student ever drafted in the NFL.
- Guard for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Ali Marpet '15 signs autographs for Geneva Elementary School students.
- Guard for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Ali Marpet '15 signs autographs for Geneva Elementary School students.
- Jake Catalioto '20 catches the ball during Hobart's 29-28 victory against Union College.
- Linebacker Bryan Aguilar '22 makes a tackle during Hobart's win over Union College on Boswell Field.
- Hobart Head Soccer Coach Shawn Griffin looks on as the Statesmen play Clarkson College. The 1-0 win over Clarkson marked Griffin's 200th career victory at Hobart College.
- Nary Cary '20 passes a defender during Hobart's 1-0 victory over Clarkson College.
- Kyle Mangold '21 scores in the ninth minute during the 1-0 win against Clarkson College on Cozzens Field.
- Associate Professor of Political Science Jodi Dean (left) facilitates a pre-talk conversation in anticipation of Angela Davis' visit to campus on Oct. 18, where Davis will discuss The Future of Feminism at 4:30 p.m. in the Vandervort Room. Dean is joined by Fisher Center pre-doctoral fellow Katryn Evinson, Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies Marcela Romero Rivera and Visiting Assistant Professor of Africana Studies James McCorkle.
- Students in the first-year seminar and learning community Sustainable Living and Learning taste samples of the 1,300 varietals growing at the Cornell Apple Repository in Geneva, N.Y.
- Students in the Sustainable Living and Learning first-year seminar and learning community tour the Cornell Apple Repository in Geneva, N.Y. The seminar is taught by Associate Professor of Environmental Science Kristen Brubaker, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science Whitney Mauer and Professor of Economics Tom Drennen.
- Madeleine Ferguson ‘21 and Professor of Art and Architecture Phillia Yi discuss shading during Introduction to Drawing.
- As part of Introduction to Drawing, students sketch objects in the Katherine D. Elliott Studio Arts Center.
- Tai-Ling Bey '20 sketches a still life during Introduction to Drawing with Professor of Art and Architecture Phillia Yi.
- Shailesh Budhathoki '19 explores the medium of fabric art during Introduction to Architectural Design II with Associate Professor of Art and Architecture Kirin Makker.
- Students walk to class alongside Assistant Professor of German Area Studies Ashwin Manthripragada (left).
- Students in Jamaican Modern Dance taught by Assistant Professor of Dance Kelly Johnson warm up. The course is a synergy of European and African dance characteristics.
- Students, faculty and staff gather for a pre-talk discussion in anticipation of Angela Davis' visit to campus on Oct. 18. The panelists discussed Davis' activism and work in the context of the Fisher Center for Gender and Justice's theme for the 2018-2019 academic year On the Move.
- Students walk by the Gearan Center for Performing Arts on Wednesday.
- Filmmaker Mara Ahmed gives an interactive and multimedia presentation to students in the first-year seminar The Mind Body taught by Professor of Dance Donna Davenport.
- In conjunction with the national Red Flag Campaign, flags placed in front of the Scandling Campus Center represent dating violence prevention and awareness.
- EcoReps Teya Lucyshyn ‘19, Sarah Boynton ‘19 and Daria Stacy ‘19 share landfill diversion initiatives with Kaitlin Hunt '19, including recycling and composting options.
- Sam Horner '21 reads on the Quad.
- Christine Moloney ’17, Maya Weber ’20, Cailin Gensler ’21 and Audrey Morin ’21 pose for a photo after receiving their flu shots on campus.
- Members of Posse 5 pose in front of Niagara Falls alongside Posse Mentor and Director of Campus Safety Marty Corbett (right). The group planned the excursion during Fall break.
- Students walk by Stern Hall.
- As part of the ninth-grade visit to campus coordinated by Geneva 2020, HWS students and a student representative from the Rochester Institute of Technology answer questions about academics and student life in Albright Auditorium.