This Week in Photos
This Week In Photos: Jan. 30 Feb. 05
- Gearan Center for the Performing Arts on Thursday night.
- Writing and Rhetoric Instructor Sam Cappiello leads a discussion during an American Sign Language class in Coxe Hall.
- Students taking an American Sign Language class with Writing and Rhetoric Instructor Sam Cappiello practice their skills by playing the game Guess Who!
- Tyler Sutherland '18 and Daniel Robeson '18 use a field guide to identify a local species of shrub during a field trip to Kashong Conservation Area as part of Professor of Biology Elizabeth Newell's class The Biology of Plants.
- Sarah Burstein '19, Elizabeth Plummer '19 and Brianna Moore '18 pose for a photo while identifying plant species found in the Kashong Conservation Area as part of the class The Biology of Plants taught by Professor of Biology Elizabeth Newell.
- Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Sociology James Sutton leads a discussion about the book The Jack-Roller: A Delinquent Boy's Own Story by Clifford R. Shaw.
- Tyler Hanzlik '17, Peter Spacher, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Physics Ileana Dumitriu, Chris Demas '17 and Robert Hooper '18 pose for a photo with their preliminary design that was accepted to the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition.
- Assistant Professor of Theatre Chris Hatch speaks with Audio Technician Kelly Walker during rehearsal for the upcoming production of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night.
- Students rehearse for the upcoming production of Twelfth Night directed by Assistant Professor of Theatre Chris Hatch in the McDonald Theatre of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Associate Professor of Theatre Heather May snaps a photo of Anika Hanson '18 in preparation for costume designs for the spring production of Johnny Drago's world-premiere play Duchess. As director, May will send the photo to the costume designer.
- Shaahida Samuel '18 and Joseph Barrocas '18 participate in the class Introduction to Global Dance Forms with Assistant Professor of Dance Kelly Johnson.
- Master drummer and dance instructor Ezra Barnett leads a Jamaican Dancehall workshop during Assistant Professor of Dance Kelly Johnson's class in the Deming Theatre of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Master drummer and dance instructor Ezra Barnett leads an introductory-level Jamaican dance workshop in the Barn on Friday night.
- Elizabeth Dunne '19 and Owen Beal '17 study for classes in the Cellar Pub on Tuesday evening.
- Students study in the L. Thomas Melly '52 Lobby of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts.
- Madeline Amsterdam '17 sits on the patio outside of the Warren Hunting Smith Library as the sun sets on Wednesday evening.
- Siblings Ren Workman '18 and Devyn Workman '16 enjoy the unseasonably warm February weather on the Quad on Thursday.
- Three Miles Lost, a William Smith a cappella group, meets in the L. Thomas Melly '52 Lobby of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts to discuss an upcoming video shoot that will occur on the steps of Coxe Hall on Monday, Feb. 8 at 4:50 p.m. The video is in support of sexual violence awareness.
- Associate Professor of Russian Studies Kristen Welsh and her students watch a live stream feed of “The Closing of the Russian Mind? Freedom of Expression in Putin’s Russia” at it takes place in Washington, D.C. The event was sponsored by PEN American Center.
- Representatives from various cultural clubs meet with Assistant Director of Intercultural Affairs Darline Polanco Wattles '09 and Student Activities Program Coordinator Denise Polanco '11 in the Seneca Room.
- In remembrance of Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell's 195th birthday, her statue is adorned with decorations on Feb. 3.
- Ashley Harling '16 and Susannah Berry '16 study for classes in the Warren Hunting Smith Library.
- The sun sets over Smith Hall.
- Tzipora Glaser '18 lights a candle during the celebration of Tu B'Shevat (Jewish Arbor Day) at the Abbe Center for Jewish Life on Friday. The event was hosted in conjunction with HWS Eco Reps to discuss ways to live more sustainable lives.
- In celebration of Tu B'Shevat (Jewish Arbor Day), students gather at the Abbe Center for Jewish Life.
- Chaplain Maurice Charles dishes up some dinner with Kayla McEachern '19 during Pasta Night, which occurs at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays at the Chaplain's residence.
- Students gather at the Chaplain's residence for conversation, fellowship and a simple, home-cooked meal during Pasta Night.
- Chris Augustinos '16 heads up the IT Help Desk on the first floor of the Warren Hunting Smith Library.
- Members of the HWS Figure Skating Club pose for a photo during the first open skate night of the semester at the Geneva Recreational Center.
- Vice President for Enrollment/Dean of Admissions Bob Murphy presents a talk titled Marketing Your Athletic Career during the Peak Performance event in the Sanford Room.
- William Smith athletes make a list of key points during a breakout session as part of the Peak Performance talks in the Sanford Room.
- Heron athletes and coaches pose for a photo with Assistant Director of the Salisbury Center Ami Cammarota Ford '00 and Associate Director of the Salisbury Center Jackie Doyle P'14 P'19 following a Career Services program in the Geneva Room.
- Natasha Patel '18, Viola Doles '17, Molly Bell '17, Joy Gitter '16 and Abigail Janik '18 gather for a photo after attending a seminar on careers in the field of public policy. The event was hosted by the Public Leadership Education Network in Washington, D.C.
- Cindy Famutimi '17, Jules Picuri '19, Lauren Pomerantz '18 and Katie Pinkes '17 pose for a photo in front of the White House while attending a conference hosted by the Public Leadership Education Network on STEM policy.
- Gail Quintos '17, Emma Richardson '17 and Emily McDonald '17 gather in front of Stonehenge for a photo. The students are studying English literature in the Bath, England abroad program.
- Audrey Haener '17, Louise Chapman '17 and Alessandra Patrizio '17 pose for a photo while exploring Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Daniel Schonning '16, Emily Surprenant '15 and Emily Saeli '16 meet in Prishtina, Kosovo. After representing HWS at the World Debate Championship in Greece, Schonning and Saeli took a detour to visit Surprenant, who is serving there as a Peace Corps Volunteer.
- Trevor Poirier '19 fires a shot on the goal as the Statesmen take on the Pioneers on Saturday afternoon.
- Cam Shaheen '19 moves the puck down the ice as the Statesmen down the Utica Pioneers 7-3.
- Sarah Brophy '18 moves the ball down the court as the Herons earn a 61-58 Liberty League win over Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Bristol Gym.
- Gabrielle Eure '17 goes for a layup during the 61-58 win over Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Bristol Gym on Saturday afternoon.
- Pete Drescher '17 shoots over a Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute player during the 64-61 Liberty League win in Bristol Gym on Saturday.
- Colin Dougherty '19 blows by the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute defense as the Statesmen take on the Engineers in Bristol Gym.
- Former Herons pose for a photo following an alumna basketball game in Bristol Gym.
- Former Statesmen pose for a photo following an alumni basketball game in Bristol Gym.
- Dan DeNose '10 speaks at Geneva High School, his alma mater, to kick off Black History Month with a thematic focus on changing the world.
- Founder of the nonprofit startup, Leaders of the 21st Century, Dan DeNose '10 addresses a packed auditorium at Geneva High School as part of Black History Month.
- Rose Cherubin ’15, Shane Samuel ’13, Dollian Garo ’15, Sima Rana ’15, Shanita Mcleod ’13, Chryssy Abdool ’13 and Kingsly Adarkwah ’13 pose for a photo with Assistant Director of Academic Opportunity Programs Edith Wormley in New York City. The alums shared their life experiences after graduating from HWS.