Learn about the emergence, challenges and future solutions of life in the city.
urst 210 - gentrification
Introduce yourself to the already voluminous literature on gentrification, focusing on earlier debates of the 'classical' era, such as production vs consumption explanations, to more recent theoretical developments that include planetary gentrification, commercial/retail gentrification and advanced or super gentrification.
bids 207 - contemporary american cities
Learn key concepts, terms and interdisciplinary approaches to studying the field of urban studies the the context of the television series The Wire.
soc 251 - Sociology of the city
Gain a basic introduction to urban life and culture by examining the development of the city in Western history.
soc 253 - Global Cities
Explore the overarching concept of “the global city” developed in the aftermath of the restructuring of the world economy since the mid-1970s.
HIST 264 – Modern European City
Examine the emergence and development of new industrial cities, such as Manchester and Bochum, and the transformation of older administrative and cultural centers such as Paris and Vienna.
ANTH 206 – Early Cities
Discover the manner in which humankind first came to live in cities. Explore the context of the general origins of complex society in both the Old and New Worlds.