Noodling Noggins

Each year, HWS students come up with ideas that surprise us with their innovation, creativity and, in many cases, practical applications. Herewith -a sampling of fresh ideas from HWS students.

Anna Hertlein '12

While trying to tie her interest in sustainability into her role as a resident assistant, Anna developed the Eco Reps program at HWS. These green- minded students monitor energy issues, educate students about waste concerns, and keep track of the sustainability status of residence halls.

Charles Hale '12

Charlie has already launched two businesses and he hasn't even graduated. His first, TremorEffect, is a "24/7 online focus group," that has allowed him to work with clients like L.L. Bean. He and friends also recently launched, which allows users to upload a photo and have it recreated as a hand-painted canvas.

Yaoxin Liu '12 and Yixiao Sha '12

Using a five-dimensional system, Yaoxin and Yixiao developed a mathematical model that explains the interactions between the Hepatitis Beta (HBV) and Hepatitis Delta (HDV) viruses and their impact on the human body. Numerical simulations show the existence of positive steady states representing chronic co-infection, suggesting that co-infection increases damage due to general inflammation.

Women's Studies Students

Students in Professor of Women's Studies Betty Bayer's senior seminar created waves in the online feminist community, opening up a vital dialogue on feminism for today's young women. The group's response to a piece in the online feminist journal On the Issues moved its editors to introduce a new section, "Student Think Tank."

Adam Brooks '12

The molecule Adam created in the lab has a long chemical name but its nickname is "7 wire" because it has a seven-carbon bridge. Adam hasn't gotten his molecule tattooed on his bicep (yet), but he does have a nuclear magnetic resonance image of it hanging at his lab bench and in his dorm room.

Marcela Melara '12

Concerned about how challenging it is to determine what one can and cannot recycle, Marcela has created the Environmental Liaison and Automated Recycling Assistant (ELARA). Her positively space-aged-looking kiosk scans UPC labels and outputs the most sustainable disposal method.

Gideon Porter '12

Inspired by the Cornell Prison Education Program, Gideon led the effort to organize the HWS Educational Second Chances Program, making HWS the third institution of higher education in New York State to have such a program. Now, HWS professors will teach at Five Points Correctional Facility while student volunteers serve as teaching assistants.

Maeve Donnelly '13 and Noah Lucas '13

Wind energy now supplies 100 percent of the electricity used at the Colleges, and like many good ideas at Hobart and William Smith, this one came directly from students. Maeve and Noah initiated the renewable energy purchasing recommendation and submitted their proposal on wind energy to the President's Climate Task Force.

Melody Acosta '12

Known around campus for her completely edible, sculpted cake toppers, Melody recently created an uncanny portrait of Colleges' President Mark D. Gearan completely from sugar and fondant. Her idea is to combine her interests in art and baking into a business post-graduation.