Supplemental Accommodation Request

Click here for a video of this process

  • Students who would like to add or modify their prior HWS academic accommodations must submit a supplemental accommodation request.
  • If they have any questions, students can contact Disability Services at
  • After submission, students will receive email communication from Disability Serivces about their request.

Detailed Instructions

Step 1: Log on to the Accommodate Portal (login here) using your HWS PeopleSoft credentials.

Step 2: On the left side tool bar, click "Accommodation."

step 1

Step 3. From the drop-down menu, select "Add/Modify Accommodations.”

step 3

Step 4.On the top banner, select "Supplemental."

step 4

Step 5.Click “Add New.”

step 5

Step 6: Select the request type (disability, temporary disability, undiagnosed), and provide additional information.

step 6

Step 7: Upload supporting disability documents.

step 7

Step 8: Click “Submit.”