commencement 2024 

Samari Brown '24
Senior Speech
May 19, 2024 

Early this morning, we watched the sun rise over Seneca Lake for the last time during our undergraduate career. Some of us laughed, some of us cried, and all of us wondered, ‘where did the time go?’ As we stand on the edge of this new chapter in our lives, it’s important to reflect not only on the milestones we’ve achieved but also on the challenges we have overcome. I want to spend some time grounded in this moment, reminding us of just how far we’ve come—from the moment that we unloaded our lives into JPR, Sherrill, the mini-quad, and the WS Hill, to the touching moment that we shared this morning, smiling underneath the bright orange sky as it illuminated the greenery across the horizon.

*I’m so honored to be here with you today- on one of the most special days of our lives. For most of us, this is our first in-person, unmasked graduation ceremony, and that’s something to celebrate. I’m so proud to graduate beside all of you—some of the strongest people that I know. We started college in the midst of a pandemic, racial reckoning, and a rise in mental health challenges. And yet, here we are. The covid-19 restrictions were strong, but the friendships that we have made along the way are stronger. We learned about the world around us while it continued to change right beneath our feet. We traveled the world, leaving our mark on the places that we have seen. And we continue to unapologetically chase our dreams—whatever those may be—standing beside the people who matter to us the most. I can’t think of a more resilient, courageous, or brilliant group of people than all of you.

But I also can’t stand here and not address the fear in the air. I mean, I’m scared, too! Especially because we’re being launched into a world of uncertainty. We don’t know what tomorrow will bring. This is almost the same kind of fear that we felt during the end of high school – you know, when we all thought that the best years of our lives were behind us – but take a look around! Here we are... four years later... with another degree (or two) under our belts. We created memories of joy, laughter, and love—and these memories will forever be engraved in our hearts and minds. We made it! And we couldn’t have done it without our support systems.

So, thank you. Thank you to our faculty, staff, families, and friends for making these last four years as special as they were. And I want to thank each of you for being a part of this strong community that we call our home. I thank you in advance because I know that if I ever need anything, I have about 200 people that I can call, and so do you.

I want each of us to think back to our time here at HWS and be proud of the work that we have done, the lives that we have touched, and the people that we have become. I can’t tell you that when we leave this place that the world out there will be welcoming us with open arms, but in a world of uncertainty, there is one thing that we can be certain of—the world is in our hands and we have the power to make a change. In the words of Nelson Mandela, “education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world.” We are the new doctors, lawyers, economists, teachers, and scientists, you name it. And I am so confident in our ability to change the world. We may be leaving the familiar sight of Seneca Lake, but we take with us the lessons learned and the memories created. May you always wear your green and white with pride but never forget the yellow inside—the loyalty and joy that this place has taught us.
