
May 26, 2022

Dear Students,

With the academic year now behind us, I hope you enjoy your summer, whether it’s here in Geneva, completing an internship, working a summer job, or simply enjoying time with family or friends.

After receiving feedback from students on a variety of housing and dining related concerns, and in consultation with the student governments and student trustees, I wanted to share some changes that will impact the student experience for the fall semester.

  • First, we heard your feedback regarding Link Housing. Beginning next year, we will return to the traditional Theme House model that has worked well at HWS for many years, while maintaining the improvements to the process that were incorporated into the Linked Housing model. Students will again be able to propose new themes each year and, as we offered to the student governments earlier in the year, we will work with them to create a group to select the successful themes.
  • Late night dining availability continues to be a general request. The Dining Services team knows students have missed the ambiance and menu options available through the Cellar Pub and are pleased to announce plans are underway to re-open this fall.  Hours of operation will be communicated later this summer, but the intent is to have the Cellar Pub open Tuesday through Saturday with the addition of a pizzeria-style menu available until midnight on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Watch your email and social media for more details and get ready to load-up on all your favorite pub foods when you return to campus!

These are changes that are a direct result of the student voice. We hope to continue productive dialogue with students about needs and concerns and continue to make positive enhancements to the student experience.

All the best,

Becca B. Barile
Vice President for Campus Life and Dean of Students

Zaheer Bowen and Irini Konstantinou
Student Trustees

Samari Brown and Jesse Whelan-Small
Junior Student Trustees

Gib Shea and Nuzhat Wahid
Former Student Trustees