Campus FacilitiesGuide
Work Orders
A work request submitted to B&G (Buildings and Grounds) is numbered as a work order and falls into one of three categories: emergency, routine or project.
An emergency request is any request that involves a health or safety hazard, power failure or potential damage to a facility or equipment.
Most other maintenance requests are routine: burned-out bulbs, leaking faucets, key request, etc. These are scheduled in the order they are received, but completion time is dependent on the availability of parts.
The other type of work order we are responsible for is a project work order.
This section will describe how each type is requested on your side and completed on our side.
To Complete Routine and Emergency Work Orders:
- We create a work order based on the information you give us and assign it to a B&G employee as appropriate.
- The B&G employee will visit the sight and assess the problem.
- S/he decides if the problem can be readily solved. If so, the problem is fixed. Otherwise, in conjunction with the appropriate manager, it may be decided that parts (not already in stock) are needed and an order will be placed. If this is the case, repairs will be completed when the parts are available. Should it take an extended period of time, decisions will be made for alternative solutions, or a decision may be made to hire someone who specializes in particular repairs.
- Although Buildings & Ground staff tries to make contact and keep the requestor acquainted with how work is progressing, the requestor is always welcome to call the office for the status of the work.
Routine work orders are generally completed within 3 days.
Emergency work orders are generally completed that day.
Emergency and Routine Work Orders are handled in much the same way.
Contact Our Office:
- By phone: 315-781-3660
- By fax: 315-781-3909
- By e-mail:
Please Include:
- Date
- Description of the problem, including floor and room number
- Your name and best method to contact you when work is complete
We are available 24 hours a day for emergency or call-in work orders. Routine requests should be initiated early in the day Monday through Friday for the quickest response.
Lofting/Bunking Policy
Assistance with lofting/bunking will be provided upon request.
The Housekeeping Department is responsible for cleaning all public areas and restrooms. Private bathrooms can be cleaned upon request and by following these requirements:
- A student must be present while his or her private bathroom is being cleaned.
- The Housekeeping Department mush be given notice 24 hours in advance of cleaning the bathroom.
For every student on campus, there is a different activity schedule. Remembering this, it is easy to understand that housekeeping schedule must be kept consistent and can not be altered according to each student’s schedule.
Housekeepers begin cleaning at 7 AM and start vacuuming at 8 AM.
Vacuums will not be supplied out of the housekeeping office, and housekeepers have been instructed not to lend vacuums to students.
Any questions can be directed to the Housekeeping Department at x3660.
Recycling Information
New York State Law mandates recycling. Our stackable gray bins can be found throughout campus.
Cardboard should be broken down and dropped off at the Central Recycling Bins located on the 1st floor of each residence area.
The schedule for recycling collection is:
Curbside recycling (Fraternity and Individual Houses: Monday and Thursday.
Inside recycling (Large Residence Halls): Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.
Curbside recycling will generally be picked up between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Handouts on recycling information are available from the Housekeeping Manager x3120.
Key Distribution Policy
- Residential: Any room keys to be requested through Residence Educations. Residence Education will pick the keys up from our office and students will be able to pick them up at that office.
- Departmental:In order to receive keys/cars for labs or other department resources, the department head must submit a key request form in the student’s name. The student can then pick them up at the Buildings and Grounds office, 311 Pulteney Street.
- Key request forms must come in writing from the responsible department head. When keys are completed, the Buildings and Grounds department will contact either the requestor or the department head. The keys may be picked up at the Buildings and Grounds office, 311 Pulteney Street.
Snow Removal Policy
The Grounds Department is responsible for the removal of snow and ice from all hard surface areas to allow safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic. The Grounds Department will:
- Monitor any weather activity in order to keep sufficient employees and supplies on standby to maintain safe conditions in winter precipitation.
- Remove snow from steps, walkways, ramps, emergency entrances, roadways, access roads and parking areas according to a per-determined priority list.
- Salting will begin after plowing or when hazardous conditions exist.
- We will not shovel out or between your car. But if you would like to do so yourself, you may stop by Security to borrow a shovel.
Hazardous conditions should be reported to Security or Buildings and Grounds.
Residence Hall Furniture Moves
Furniture (such as mattresses, bed frames, desks, chairs, etc.) may NOT be removed from a residence hall room without express permission from the Director of Residence Education. If this policy is not followed, you may be charged for missing furniture.
Vandalism Reporting Policy
Vandalism that occurs on campus is recorded. A report reflecting labor costs and materials purchased for repairs due to vandalism will be submitted to College representatives on a monthly basis. An annual vandalism report of the Colleges’ fiscal year will be submitted in July.
A student may be held fiscally responsible for vandalism that occurs in his or her dorm. So all students should consider how much they are going to pay for the damage they allow someone else to commit.
Specific vandalism cost information can be requested through the Buildings and Grounds office. Information will reflect a delay of one month in order to allow all costing to be accumulated and finalized.
Event Set-Up Request Policy
The Buildings and Grounds supplies equipment for events on campus following these guidelines:
- Set-ups include tables, chairs, barricade fencing for crowd control, staging, risers, electrical set-ups for bands, etc. A limited supply of said items are available on a first request basis.
- Set-up requests must have a minimum notice of FIVE working days prior to a scheduled event.
- There may be a cost involved depending on the request.
- Student events must be approved through Student Activities (x3512) prior to requesting set-up assistance from the Buildings and Grounds Department.
- Request forms are available from Student Activities Office.
- Requests must include:
- Date, Time, Place of Event and Exact Location for Set-up.
- Quantity of items (Please do not overbook tables and chairs due to our limited supply)
- Telephone or extension number of requestor(s)
- Date and time items can be picked up
- Student Activities office approval.
Pest Control
- Please dispose of left-over food.
- A work order needs to be placed to B&G by;
- Phone x3660
- Fax 315-781-3909
- E-mail –
- Walk-in at 311 Pulteney Street, Buildings and Grounds Department
- B&G will then contact the pest control vendor.
Vending, Phone and IT Concerns
Problems with laundry machines are to be called in to the 800 number on the machines.
Problems with other vending machines (soda, candy, etc.) are to be called in to x3668.
Problems with campus phones are to be called into x3410
Problems with computer connections/IT issues can be called in to x3389 (repair hotline) or x3388 (Help Desk)