StatementsOn the Passing of Trustee Chair Emeritus L. Thomas Melly ’52, L.H.D.’02
December 29, 2024
Dear Members of HWS Community,
Tom Melly was among the very first people I met in 1999 in the search process to serve as president of Hobart and William Smith. And from that day, he has been a mentor, confidante and valued friend. I learned so much about HWS and our graduates from him and always prized his unyielding commitment to his alma mater. In my judgment, no graduate has done more for the Colleges than Tom. It is therefore with deep sadness that I must report news of his death.
In a sea of accomplishments and a lifetime of service, what inspired me most about Tom was his ambition for Hobart and William Smith. In all our meetings and conversations, he urged me to ‘think big’ and prepare the Colleges for its future. He wanted our students to enjoy the opportunities he had as a result of his education. He knew and valued the importance of our faculty and staff and always understood their central role for the student experience.
Tom earned a degree in economics from Hobart, where he played football and lacrosse. After graduation, he served with distinction in the U.S. Marine Corps and later earned an MBA from New York University’s Leonard Stern School of Business. He joined General Reinsurance Corp. in New York City as an underwriter, and then was a senior associate broker with DeCoppet and Doremus. In 1968, he joined Goldman Sachs as a floor partner on the Stock Exchange. He had a long and distinguished career at Goldman Sachs, retiring in 2001.
In 1981, Tom was appointed to the HWS Board of Trustees, leading nearly every committee, heading capital campaigns, and wisely stewarding HWS’ resources. He was elected Chair in 1987 and served in the role for a decade. In 2007, his fellow trustees named him Trustee Chair Emeritus – the only person to hold that title, a fitting symbol of the great respect they held for him. He took the governance of the institution very seriously, investing countless hours in building a high functioning Board and traveling extensively to support the Colleges. He also worked nationally to advance higher education as Chair of the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges.
Tom’s support for HWS was varied and responsive to the most pressing needs of the Colleges. It includes the creation of the Melly Academic Center in the Warren Hunting Smith Library; consistent and significant contributions to the Annual Fund; the establishment of scholarships including the Salisbury Endowed Internship Fund in honor of former Board Chair Charles H. Salisbury, Jr. ’63, P’94, L.H.D. ’08; and noteworthy support of the Gearan Center for the Performing Arts, where the lobby is named in his honor.
For his many committed and consequential years of service, he received an Alumni Citation in 1992, an honorary degree in 2002 and the Lifetime Service Award and the Salisbury Award, both in 2006. The Hobart Alumni Association recently awarded him the Hobart Medal of Excellence.
My heartfelt condolences go to Tom’s beloved wife Judy, who has been an engaged and committed advocate for HWS and who was awarded an Honorary degree in 2016 in recognition of her support. I ask that you keep Judy in your thoughts along with Tom’s children Thomas, Laura, Lee and David, and their families, as well as Judy’s children Eric and Lisa, and their families.
As I reflect on my last meeting with Tom in December, I am grateful for the time we spent together and for what turned out to be the final opportunity to express in person and on behalf of the entire Hobart and William Smith community our collective gratitude.
Mark D. Gearan