Commencement 2018


Recounting the trials and adventures following his own graduation, Hobart and William Smith 2018 Commencement speaker John Grotzinger ’79, Sc.D. ’13, the mission leader and project scientist for NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory, advised graduates “to seek out the difficult challenges and invest all that you have in them.”

The 2018 Commencement ceremony marked the 107th graduation for William Smith and the 193rd graduation for Hobart. The Colleges awarded honorary degrees to Thomas S. Bozzuto ’68, chair of the Board of Trustees and CEO and chair of the Bozzuto Group; Carolyn Carr McGuire ’78, former trustee and cofounder and co-chair of the Community Consulting Teams of Boston; and Dr. Garry A. Mendez Jr. ’58, P’96, the executive director of the National Trust for the Development of African American Men.