
Hobart Lax

Who: Midfielder Matthew Pedicine ’19

What: Statesmen vs. the Orange

When // where: April 3 // Carrier Dome

Pedicine triumphs in this faceoff, scooping the ground ball and scoring for Hobart. The midfielder won 10 of 18 faceoffs during that game, which ultimately went to Syracuse.

“At this moment, I’m hoping Matt can pick this ball up and make a pass to one of our men who can attack the goal,” says Head Coach Greg Raymond, who has amassed the most wins in a five-season span since the team moved to Division I in 1995. “This photo proves Matt is one of the most competitive and tactically sound face-off guys in the country.”

A media and society major, Pedicine closed his junior year by breaking the Hobart Division I season record for faceoff winning percentage, raising the mark to .659. Off the field, Pedicine interned at the IT recruiting firm RennerBrown last summer and coached youth lacrosse this summer in his hometown of Clark, N.J.

"Lacrosse has always been a major part of my life, and the friends and connections I’ve made through the love of the game have made it even better."
— Matthew Pedicine ’19